EP231 | The Script Supervisor (w/ Ana Maria Quintana)

How many of you know what a script supervisor does? Get ready to have your mind blown! It's not just about continuity, not just about taking notes on coverage, on wardrobe and lens choices. It's about being the place everyone goes for reassurance, including the director! It's arguably the crew position that holds it all together. Joining host Mike Pecci is legendary script supervisor Ana Marie Quintana, and her resume of films is way too long to list here.  Lets just say that she has done 10 movies with Steven Spielberg, multiple with Ridley Scott (including Blade Runner), and all the Hunger Games films. This woman has been there for the creation of modern cinemas best shots, has learned from some of the highest regarded people in the business, oh and she worked on and survived Waterworld! Get ready for an epic look into some of your favorite films from the perspective of someone who sits next to the director all day! The Script Supervisor!
► Ana's Work: www.imdb.com/name/nm0704088/

►Mike Pecci's IG: instagram.com/mikepecci

►ILWP's IG: instagram.com/inlovewiththeprocesspod


Featuring Music by:

► Code Elektro
► L'Avenue
► Betamaxx

The Episode is Sponsored by
►Bokeh Rentals: bokehrentals.com/
►Puget Systems: puget.systems/go/ILWTP
► FujiFilm: fujifilm-x.com/



EP295 | The Dance Choreographer (w/Abi Oliver)


EP183 | The fearless Stuntwoman: Get up and do it again (w/ Yessenia Cossio)